Tithing Today


Tithing is a subject that provokes agreement, anger or apathy among Christians in equal measure. Just the suggestion that a follower of Christ should give 10% of their income away is enough to trigger anything from passionate endorsements to angry reactions.

What is going on here? Why is the issue so divisive? Doubtless the fact that giving money is involved is part of the reason for the reaction. But just a moment, Jesus spoke about financial stewardship and generosity all the time. Perhaps it is the specific matter of giving 10% that raises temperatures and divides opinions, along with a few stories of churches mismanaging funds.

Unafraid to tackle this controversial subject head-on, Tony Wastall explores all the issues with a blend of biblical insights, personal stories and practical advice. Whether you are curious, skeptical or genuinely hungry to know more, this book is for you!

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